1. What Is AdBlock?

AdBlock is one of several plugins that can be downloaded on your web browser (such as Google Chrome and Safari). Being an extension on a browser gives them way more access and abilities than an average app on your computer would have.
2. What Does It Do?

AdBlock blocks the ads you get on all the websites you love to visit! Sounds great right? Well not exactly… websites rely on advertising to make money. They use that money to pay themselves, their designers, content creators and other expenses that keep the website going (like their servers).
3. What’s The Big Deal?

The more AdBlock users increase (and they are currently growing at an estimated 30% year over year) the more the websites lose money because there is no one to see their advertising.
4. What’s Happening Now?

Right now 20-30% (and more in some cases) of website visitors are using AdBlock. In other words, websites are losing more than 20% of their revenue and will continue to lose more.
You can find out how much money your website is losing due to AdBlock by clicking here
5. Still Don’t Want to See Ads?

There’s no doubt that AdBlock serves a purpose. There are so many benefits to an AdFree Experience for the user experience. And a better user experience is better for both the users and the websites. There is also no doubt that AdBlock is harming the creative minds behind the websites we love.
6. Where Does Pelcro Pome In?

We work with websites to provide AdBlock users with the option to subscribe to an AdFree Experience. That way users get an AdFree experience and pay once to access a network of websites. While the revenue generated from each user is then distributed back to the content creators.
Find out more about us at Pelcro.com