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Writer's pictureAndrew Morris

Starting A Membership Site? Here Are 3 Ideas To Get You Started

As a successful blogger, you’re probably looking into optimizing your website so you can start making money from it. Just starting? No problem! Experts like Pelcro are here to help you make more money from creating a membership site!

One of the ways we’ve suggested you make money from your blog (besides ads) is through implementing a monthly/yearly membership fee for your followers, creating a membership site! Through that small fee, your subscribing members are supporting your work and providing you with a steady stream of revenue while receiving exclusive content or perks!

Before Creating a Membership Site…Know Your Audience!

Before selecting which membership ideas to implement, it’s important to understand your audience. If you have a  young following, you need to stay updated with new trends. If your following consists of an older crowd, you may want to make it as simple as possible. For your website to grow, you need to study your readers and find out what their likes and dislikes are. Get to know them!

Now that you see how creating a membership benefits your website, it’s time to go into the different types of memberships you can offer to your subscribers:

Live Interaction

Whether it’s through, texting, video chatting, tweeting, or voice chatting, we’re sure your members want to hear from you! If you have thousands of followers, it might be almost impossible to reach out to each member individually, but through group interactions, you can! So you can set up a time each week, to interact with your audience.

Tip: Provide your members with the date and time you will be going live on Facebook. Ask them to tweet you questions that you will answer during your live chat!

Connecting with your audience constantly will help you build a better relationship with them, and by understanding their concerns and listening to their questions, you can develop more relevant content for them. You can also set up a chat for your subscribers to interact with each other. By looking at the topics they discuss, You can learn a lot about what they want to talk and read about.

Discussion Forms

People love to join like-minded communities to discusses ideas. Discussion forms can be one of the perks you offer your members only. By bringing members of your community together and keeping them engaged, you are giving them a platform to stay connected, which will strengthen the ties between you and them as well.

By monitoring the discussion forums, you are constantly receiving information on what your community interests are. With the small fee they pay, you are ensuring the exclusivity of the membership site, and protecting the community from internet trolls.

Exclusive Content For Members Only

You can leave some of your content free, as a way of reeling in new members.  However, you should also reward your subscribers by offering them exclusive content. For example, beauty bloggers offer free makeup tips and tricks on their website, but they will only share with their exclusive members, the interview they conducted Kim Kardashian about her new makeup line!

As a fitness instructor,  you can offer a free 5-minute video on best workout tips. For your exclusive members though, provide a full workout video they can use from the convenience of their home.

In conclusion, we recommend that you use a mixture of these membership ideas to ensure maximum success! If you have any questions about to get started, feel free to reach out!


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