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Setting Up Products and Payment Plans – Pelcro Plain And Simple Episode 2

Updated: Feb 3

Back again with another episode of Pelcro Plain and Simple! Where we take you through a seamless journey of how to set up and get the most out of your Pelcro account and the platform. Bite-sized and easy to consume, you can watch this any time, anywhere. So bring some snacks and find a comfortable seat. We are about to get started on setting up your products and payment plans.

What To Expect:

This episode is all about setting up the products and payment plans for your website on the platform. These are essentially the products or the services you would be offering your clients and customers via your website. They can be as many or as little as you like. They are added through a short seamless process that would be shown to you below. Setting up the plans is even easier! You are just putting some payment details and categories for your already existing products. If you find yourself still a bit lost head over to our documentation.

Episode 2: Setting Up Products And Payment Plans:

Time To Recap:

So as you can see it is both quick and easy and very user-friendly. For a quick run through what you’re going to do is head over to your dashboard and click on products. Afterward, you want to click on the new button which would redirect you to fill in the necessary information for your product. Then after you’re done you will head to “add pricing plan” and also fill in the corresponding information. By completing both of these steps you officially have your product and pricing plan set up, but if at any point you need more information feel free to check out our documentation about it.

Get your products and plans set up in no time at all! For more information on our process head to our website or get started with a free trial. Also, why not schedule a demo call with one of our experts.


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